Due to the ongoing COVID-19 events, the Post 409 April newsletter will not be mailed. Here is a note from Commander David Babbage:

 Looking back over the last 10 months, it certainly has been interesting, but the last month has been truly different and trying.

I trust you are all doing well, staying safe, and sheltering in place.  We are certainly experiencing some challenges in our life today, but I am confident that we will remain strong and resilient.

As we’re all impacted by the spread of COVID-19 to some degree, staying home and social distancing, American Legion Family wants to keep members and the kids we serve safe during this time. We are asking our Post to postpone all events — including in-person meetings, projects and fundraisers — through the month of April 2020.

Up-to-date health information is available from the World Health Organization, our country’s health department, as well as local governmental health agencies.

We realize that interactions with fellow Legionaries will be missed, and we encourage you to find ways to connect during this difficult time. Skype, Facebook chats and conference calls on a landline or mobile phone are all options. These resources can help your Legion Family stay connected and plan.

Work together to generate ideas on how your legion can help your community — and when things return to normal, you’ll be ready to help kids and veterans. The American Legion and Post 409 will continue to serve you and provide ideas about how to continue making an impact. If you haven’t followed us on social media, please do. Follow Post 409 or the Department of Michigan Legion on Facebook for the most up-to-date news and information.

Thank you for all you do for American Legions. Let’s work together to stay strong during this uncertain time so we’ll all be healthy and ready to help those who need us most.


We had election for post officers, the following we nominated and elected:

Congratulations to all the newly elected officer

Members who have not paid their dues are requested to do so quickly. We have only thirty members who have not paid their dues. Dues payment can be mailed to the Post, paid in the clubroom or given to an officer during one of Bingo’s or online. If you do not have your dues paid for 2020, you will not be able to enjoy the clubroom amenities